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如何写好turnitin的评估类论文作业(Evaluation Essay )

更新:2025-01-27 10:28:18编辑:admin归类:论文问答人气:18

  提交到turnitin查重系统中有很大部分是essay。本站整理了一些如何写essay的系列文章。这篇文章主要是讲解如何写好评估类的论文(Evaluation Essay )。


  例:Write an essay evaluating the 汪峰上头条对网友们的重要性.


  1. 选择对的评判标准,你可能很难一下或立刻就展开评估,建议找一些你自己感兴趣的点让评估的过程更容易些。

  2. 寻找支持你观点的论据。因为你是在对一个object做出判断,你要让读者阅读文章的时候能真正对你的观点产生一些思考,因此你不能做过大过宽泛的论述。

  3. 同样,建议在文章的正式书写前,自己先写一个draft,分清你的评估标准是什么,论据是什么。

如何写好turnitin的评估类论文作业(Evaluation Essay )

  The first steps in writing an evaluation essay is to obtain supporting evidence to support your viewpoint. It is similar to an argumentative essay in that the writer's point of view is given backed with evidence. An evaluation essay is also similar to an analysis. The steps to analyze a topic are the same for an evaluation essay. A clear point of view must be taken with supporting evidence that will show the reasons for the point of view.

  If the evaluation essay is written to evaluate an article or book, then the material must be read first. How can you evaluate something without at least reading it or examining it? It is important to be able to give the audience enough information to support the thesis. The best way to do this is to read the material or do some research on the topic. It is important to be able to give a clear judgment of the topic.

  In writing an evaluation it is essential to evaluate both sides of the issue. Why does the other person feel the way he/she does. For instance, take the subject of same sex marriage. If taking the viewpoint that marriage is between men and women only, it would also be important to state the reasons others are in favor of same sex marriage. It is important for the judgment to be balanced as it states by both sides of the issue. If the argument seems biased the audience will often be biased against the writer. It is important to clarify all viewpoints by giving evidence.

上一篇:可以帮助降低turnitin重复率的国外学术论文资源! 下一篇:英语论文是怎么查重?
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